Frequently asked questions
Your questions about Preclinical Testing, answered.
Don't see your question answered here? We encourage you to visit our contact us page and submit your question to our team.
Q. What services are available?

A comprehensive list of our services can be found by downloading our Directory of Services. Click here to access our 2025 Directory of Services.
Q. How do I get started as a new IDEXX BioAnalytics client?

You can connect with your dedicated Account Manager to answer any questions about our services or provide a quote. You will need to complete a new New User Registration form to gain access to our secure Client Portal.
Q. How do I reach the Client Support Services (CSS) team?

CSS can be reached at or at the following phone numbers:
- Austria +49 (0) 7154 17 50 585
- Czech Republic +49 (0) 7154 17 50 585
- Denmark +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- Finland +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- France +33 (0) 1492 18 346
- Germany +49 (0) 7154 17 50 585
- Ireland +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- Israel +33 (0) 1492 18 346
- Italy +34 (0) 9326 72 813
- Netherlands +31 (0) 2355 87 585
- Norway +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- Poland +49 (0) 7154 17 50 585
- Portugal +34 (0) 9326 72 813
- Spain +34 (0) 9326 72 813
- Sweden +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- Switzerland +41 (0) 319 70 6270
- UK +44 (0) 193 75 44 023
- Other +49 (0) 7154 17 50 585
The CSS team is available to answer phone calls and emails Monday through Friday, 08:30 – 16:00 CET.
Q. How do I order sample collection supplies?

You can order complimentary preclinical testing supplies here.