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Learn more about IDEXX BioAnalytics products and services, led by our board-certified pathologists and scientific affairs team. Want to dig deeper? Connect with your Account Manager or email idexxbioanalytics-europe@idexx.com to arrange a discussion with one of our experts.

Histology and Anatomic Pathology - How your samples make it from tissue, to a slide, to a report
Go behind the scenes to see how your tissue samples are processed, made into slides, evaluated, interpreted, and made into a contributing scientist report.

Bone Marrow Evaluation in Preclinical Studies
Review the methods available to assess bone marrow hematotoxicity with a focus on cytology and histopathology.

Cell Health - Pragmatic plans to ensure your cells are integral to incredible science and healthy labs
Learn why validating cell health and cell line identity is essential to deliver unassailable data and keep research personnel and research animals healthy.

Pre-analytical Variables in Research Design
Discover the three categories of variability and error associated with hematologic assays: pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical.

ConfirmPDX - First-to-market ddPCR assay to better understand tumor composition
Learn about ConfirmPDX, a new solution that improves the precision of your cell line characterizations so that you can move your research forward with confidence.

Changing from Sentinel Animals to Environmental Diagnostics
With its significantly improved diagnostics, EDx provides fast, direct detection - without the need for sentinel animals.

CBC Basics: Leukocytes & Platelets - Understanding the CBC
Focus on leukocytes and platelets of the CBC, how they are measured, and the challenges in evaluating these indices with an emphasis on species differences.

REDUCE. REFINE. REPLACE™ - Superior rodent colony environmental health monitoring
REPLACE™ eliminates the need for sentinel animals, improves pathogen detection and is convenient in that it can be used with any rodent housing system.

Practical Application of REPLACE™ for Exhaust Dust Testing
Learn a straightforward method to conduct exhaust dust testing (EDT) within open airflow IVC racks using REPLACE™, a high binding capacity matrix.

Ensuring Cell Health for Optimal Research Outcomes and Successful CRISPR Gene Editing Experiments
The health of cultured cells is paramount to the reliability and validity of experimental results.

CBC Basics: The Erythrogram - Understanding the CBC
The Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a fundamental test for all stages of health monitoring, measuring a variety of cellular features of blood.

Zebrafish Colony Health Monitoring - The importance of a comprehensive approach
Explore the importance of zebrafish health monitoring to protect animal welfare, ensure data validity, and prevent pathogen spread.
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