Sterility Testing

Sample Collection and Shipping


All samples should be shipped via overnight courier, packed with adequate ice packs to maintain cool temperature and adequate insulation to prevent freezing.

Direct Inoculation Method 

The optimum sample will include both tissue culture media and cellular material (if present) because some micro-organisms are intracellular or highly cell-associated. Any remaining material is held at 4C during the course of incubation as a backup or possible confirmatory testing. 

The inoculum size per medium is 100 μL; submitters should submit a sample volume of 1000-1500 μL (1-1.5 mL) so that repeat testing can be performed if deemed advisable (no additional charge). 100 μL is provided to the IDEXX BioAnalytics PCR laboratory if Mycoplasma is requested. 

The optimum sample will include both tissue culture media and cellular material (if present) because some microorganisms are intracellular or highly cell-associated. 

All manipulations are performed in a laminar flow hood for Sterility profiles.

Identification of Microbial Contaminants 

Identification of microbial contaminants is available. Please contact Client Support  at for details and pricing. 

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