Histology and Anatomic Pathology - How your samples make it from tissue, to a slide, to a report

Histopathologic evaluation of tissues is an important endpoint in preclinical research - let IDEXX BioAnalytics be your histopathology partner from start to finish.

Please join us for this informative webinar where our Histology Supervisor and Head of Anatomic Pathology will take you behind the scenes to show you how your submitted tissue samples are processed, made into slides, evaluated by an Anatomic Pathologist, interpreted and made into a contributing scientist report.

Topics covered will include: tissue processing from start to finish, why standardized tissue collection and trimming are important in research pathology, how tissue samples are graded by an anatomic pathologist, why concurrently submitting the study protocol is important to a pathologist, and the components of a contributing scientist report.


Meet the presenters

Jennifer Brazzell

Head of Anatomic Pathology

Kyle Dellamano

Histology Lab Supervisor

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